Monday April 1st, 1PM–4PM
Cost: $20

A full description will be available soon

Capped at 30 participants

Tuesday April 2nd, 9AM–12AM
Cost: $20

The Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, located in McLean, VA, is the Federal Highway Administration’s core facility for research, development, and technology within the broader transportation research community.  The tour will include an introduction and laboratory tours from the Office of Safety and Operations Research, Development, and Technology groups.  Included in the tour will be a demonstration of technologies in two Driving Simulators, a Sign Simulator, instrumented vehicle technologies, and the Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory.  Come to learn more about advanced technologies and about state-of-the-art connected vehicle research being led by FHWA!

Capped at 30 participants

Tuesday April 2nd, 1PM–4PM
Cost: $20

A full description will be available soon

Capped at 25 participants